The Nest
To view the latest edition of 'The Nest' for the 21 March 2025 please click here
Welcome to ‘The Nest’, the Catherine McAuley Catholic College newsletter. As those who have walked the journey to date with us know, we have been passionate about forging authentic links with our local community, traditional owners and physical environment. This has been expressed in the naming of our college houses (Wati Discovery, Watha Endeavour and Bathu Horizons) and it will be evident in other aspects of College life as our community evolves.
In establishing the culture of our College, we wanted a central, unifying symbol (other than our College patron) for our community to rally around that would encompass our representative and sporting teams. We examined the flora and fauna of our local area and found that eagles are native to our region. Associated with the eagle is the nest.
A nest nurtures the young. It provides safety, security, belonging and, importantly, a home. Eagles are strong, graceful, nurturing, tenacious and agile. They are symbols of honesty, leadership and honour and are known for their courage, one of our four College values. To many Australian indigenous peoples eagles are revered and in cultures around the world they have become important symbols of heraldry.
This newsletter is the formal avenue of communication from our College to our families. We are all united in providing our young people with a strong sense of safety, security, belonging and, importantly, feeling of home.
Recognising the shared purpose of College and home, and having been inspired by these qualities, we welcome you to the next edition of ‘The Nest’.
Click here to see the latest editions of "The Nest", the Catherine McAuley Catholic College newsletter.